Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy and Sad Wednesday ... A day late (with updates in brackets)

Let's start with the sad news, get it out of the way and end happy! One of our fish died last night, very sad for me; our large angelfish, who was fairly old and very pretty. Lyle thinks Angel just didn't recover from the stress of the move. Now our freshwater tank looks pretty bare and empty. I suppose this is what comes with owning pets... or a small petting zoo. (Last night we went to the fish store and bought 7 cardinal tetras, and 2 red rainbows to refill our tank. We also placed an online order with an aquarium company from BC and are restocking the "cleaners" in our salt water aquarium with a few cool additions, a starfish and an urchin.)

On to the workout update. On day 2 of the challenge I convinced Lyle to join me and this has been fun for least in my words. It certainly is a challenge for me, but I am going to succeed!

Sleep is another aspect of my health that is a struggle for me. I am weaning myself off my sleeping pills and trying more natural ways. I am looking into essential oils, so if you have any input please leave comments. We had contemplated getting a queen sized bed with our tax refund, but instead decided to prolong that a bit and just give the bed a makeover. We have had a few issues: 1. I am always too hot and Lyle is too cold at night, 2. the duvet is not big enough and moves around in the cover, 3. the bed is not comfortable enough. So we started with a memory foam topper from Costco, we have these at the condo and we love them. We talked to the lady at the duvet store and she recommended the silk duvet, so we got a queen sized one. This meant we needed a new duvet cover so we found one for a good price, though I wasn't entirely sold. Once we got it on the bed I was in love with it! I wanted to get a bedskirt to give our bed a more put together look, so we found a deep purple one that livens up the grey. Lyle decided we needed new sheets that matched ;) so we asked about purple (eggplant?) sheets to match the bedskirt. The only ones they had were eucalyptus and a bit more expensive, but they are soft and beautiful and we both love them on the bed. 100% sold on them! When we were at our favorite chiropractor the other day Lyle asked about a pillow for me because as a side sleeper my neck is sore regularly. Kyle loaned us a chiropractic pillow to try, I struggled the first night with where to put my arm...since it no longer fit under my head. I didn't sleep well and was frustrated. (Last night I gave up, used another pillow and slept like a baby!)

And that is your Wednesday/Thursday update, with a picture of the new bedding :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Trying again...

Ok, so the past few weeks have been pretty quiet. Two weeks ago we were out at my in-laws doing demolition, needless to say that weekend I am sure I burned sufficient calories. I also pulled my back again, what can I say swinging a crowbar and sledge over the weekend can be dangerous. I have not been good with getting my workouts in as I have been focused on school and trying to reorganize our house. School was successful, the house has been only partially successful.

On Facebook the other day my cousin posted this challenge.

I decided I should try it... So today I printed it off and taped it to my bedroom wall along with this one.

I successfully managed the first day. I may have to drop one, but I am going to try to accomplish both at the same time.

Updates will follow :)