Monday, July 15, 2013


Ok so I am behind on the blog and on my workout regime, but I have joined roller derby. It is probably the best thing I have done for myself in a while. I am definitely getting into shape, while learning lots of new skills, finding new muscles and meeting amazing new people.

If ever you have thought to yourself "I might be interested in derby", do it! If you are in lethbridge go to and check it out. If you are in another area google to find what's going on in your area and try it out.

There is definitely a learning curve and I am slowly picking up skills. I took a nice outdoor spill during skate last week and fell on my backside (not recommended, that's why we wear knee pads) I jammed up my back a bit, but should be good to go for practice tomorrow. My goal is to bench mark and be able to play in the November invitational here in Lethbridge... maybe in an earlier scrimmage if I can find one and get myself benchmarked in time.

Look forward to more Derby updates coming :)

If you want to check out an informative derby blog from one of our local Derby Dames head here.

Oh and I promise some photos soon.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy and Sad Wednesday ... A day late (with updates in brackets)

Let's start with the sad news, get it out of the way and end happy! One of our fish died last night, very sad for me; our large angelfish, who was fairly old and very pretty. Lyle thinks Angel just didn't recover from the stress of the move. Now our freshwater tank looks pretty bare and empty. I suppose this is what comes with owning pets... or a small petting zoo. (Last night we went to the fish store and bought 7 cardinal tetras, and 2 red rainbows to refill our tank. We also placed an online order with an aquarium company from BC and are restocking the "cleaners" in our salt water aquarium with a few cool additions, a starfish and an urchin.)

On to the workout update. On day 2 of the challenge I convinced Lyle to join me and this has been fun for least in my words. It certainly is a challenge for me, but I am going to succeed!

Sleep is another aspect of my health that is a struggle for me. I am weaning myself off my sleeping pills and trying more natural ways. I am looking into essential oils, so if you have any input please leave comments. We had contemplated getting a queen sized bed with our tax refund, but instead decided to prolong that a bit and just give the bed a makeover. We have had a few issues: 1. I am always too hot and Lyle is too cold at night, 2. the duvet is not big enough and moves around in the cover, 3. the bed is not comfortable enough. So we started with a memory foam topper from Costco, we have these at the condo and we love them. We talked to the lady at the duvet store and she recommended the silk duvet, so we got a queen sized one. This meant we needed a new duvet cover so we found one for a good price, though I wasn't entirely sold. Once we got it on the bed I was in love with it! I wanted to get a bedskirt to give our bed a more put together look, so we found a deep purple one that livens up the grey. Lyle decided we needed new sheets that matched ;) so we asked about purple (eggplant?) sheets to match the bedskirt. The only ones they had were eucalyptus and a bit more expensive, but they are soft and beautiful and we both love them on the bed. 100% sold on them! When we were at our favorite chiropractor the other day Lyle asked about a pillow for me because as a side sleeper my neck is sore regularly. Kyle loaned us a chiropractic pillow to try, I struggled the first night with where to put my arm...since it no longer fit under my head. I didn't sleep well and was frustrated. (Last night I gave up, used another pillow and slept like a baby!)

And that is your Wednesday/Thursday update, with a picture of the new bedding :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Trying again...

Ok, so the past few weeks have been pretty quiet. Two weeks ago we were out at my in-laws doing demolition, needless to say that weekend I am sure I burned sufficient calories. I also pulled my back again, what can I say swinging a crowbar and sledge over the weekend can be dangerous. I have not been good with getting my workouts in as I have been focused on school and trying to reorganize our house. School was successful, the house has been only partially successful.

On Facebook the other day my cousin posted this challenge.

I decided I should try it... So today I printed it off and taped it to my bedroom wall along with this one.

I successfully managed the first day. I may have to drop one, but I am going to try to accomplish both at the same time.

Updates will follow :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

A quick post for a Monday

Weekends are not the best workout times for me. I haven't yet been able to convince Lyle to do this workout with me, so rather than breaking up the middle of our days I frequently skip workouts on the weekend. Eventually I will get better at this. I got back to the Brazilian butt workout this morning, and I am making progress. I added a 5lb dumbbell to my plié squat, my form has greatly improved on my floor exercises (I no longer lean as much), and I made it to the end of the side lunges. I will admit the frog jumps severely strain my stamina but I  determined to make it through the entire workout so I will continue to progress at my slow pace :)

Happy Monday to all and I hope you have less snow that we do, it prohibits my outdoor walking...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

One Whole Week

Okay, so it has been one whole week since I recommitted myself and started this blog. One injury a few workouts and a few extra veggies later I have lost 1.76lbs. Since my goal is 2lbs a week I think this is alright considering the week.

Today I went for a short walk and did some core and arm work. I can definitely feel the leg work I did yesterday. One day at a time and soon I will be able to see the changes :)

Hope your week is going well

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Wednesday

So I took a few days off to let my back recover and to get through a stats assignment. Today I met with my stats study group so that is mostly out of the way so I can focus on other things for a few days. I wish there was a way to track the calories I burn through mental work...

So today I gave another shot at the BBWO... and I got a little further. My legs still feel like jell-o, but this time I got through all of the frog jumps and half of the side lunges. One of these days I will get to the end of set one, it may take me months to get through three sets but I am going to keep on trying until I reach that goal.

Speaking of goals, I need to lose about 40lbs. My first goal is to get back under 200, if I am lucky I might reach that by the end of the month. I will keep you posted.

I am also trying to increase my water intake again, so this means bringing my cool starbucks water cup home and tracking what I am drinking. On the plus side I have had no Coke for a few days :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Manual labour

On Friday Lyle needed help at work because to install a glass shower enclosure. They rest of the company is working on a larger out of town project so he has been doing a bathroom remodel on his own. This is not a big issue except when you have to move large, heavy glass panels. So off I went for an afternoon of manual labour. It may not be a formal workout but trust me I burned some calories. I have been better with my eating and staying under my calorie allowance. During downtime I did a few exercises that didn't require a lot of space.

On Saturday Lyle was taking down a wooden shed on our property. It is ugly and he has hated it since we started the position, this week he got approval to remove it. So I had another day of manual labour ahead of me. This one was a lot more physical. We emptied one shed (that is hidden behind our garage) and cleaned it out so that we could move the contents of the one to be dismantled. In the middle of cleaning this shed we had to move cubical partitions and when I picked up the end of one of then my back seized. This is not uncommon unfortunately. So I had to lessen the load that I could lift and move slower and more cautiously. We hauled boxes of flooring and tossed the junk. Eventually we came to the demolition, Lyle handled most of this since swinging a sledge was not going to be feasible for me. I came up with good ideas and helped throw out the pieces I could. We got it levelled and then had to dispose of it. Luckily Lyle's boss has a dump truck he let us borrow. Getting this shed into the truck was quite the task. My back was really sore and seizing at this point so I couldn't help with the heavy sections. Anyhow long story short we got it in and disposed of and got quite the work out! Unfortunately it now hurts to do most things including sitting and standing, hopefully this will pass soon and I will be able to get back to my goals.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Beginning

This is going to be a quick post just to get myself started. In the months since we have been back in Canada and been crazy busy I have put on a lot of weight! I do not like it one bit. My husband loves me and tells me I am beautiful, but it is time to get back into shape. There are a number of motivating factors to this:
1. I want my wardrobe back! I have cute clothes and want to be able to wear them again.
2. I want to have a baby next year and I want to be in shape when I do it.
3. Ski season starts again in 8 months and I intend to be able to ski long and hard next season

This blog is going to be a way to keep myself on track and be accountable to someone else out there. I will post tips and sites that I find as well as what I am currently doing to make a difference in my life.

One day at a time!

Here is where I started today

My mother-in-law sent me this link as we are all trying to get into shape... I made it through 1 set of the first 5 exercises plus 10 frog jumps.. I have some room for improvement.

Now I am off for a walk :)
